Sunday, October 28, 2012

theophany? physiophany?

over the centuries, the "Sinai theophanies" of the "burning bush", the storm phenomena on Mount Sinai , the guiding columns of smoke and light, the presence in the Tabernacle...has been attributed to physical causes, not godly, hence the words: physiophany.

and if Feuerbach et al were correct, one might conceive: anthopophany

Friday, October 5, 2012

eulogy to monsters

There should indeed be an historical eulogy to monsters written, as they have played such a vital part in the testing and trials of humanity, and for many perhaps still do.


The opposite of euthanasia should be better known and possibly used..
(And, to be a bit overwhelmed perhaps, see:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

sic permanet gloria mundi?

The myth of Er suggests that we did choose our parents, and the idea that all that we do on earth -- also suggested in the lines toward the end of Goethe's Faust "Es kann die Spur von meinen Erdetagen/Nicht in Ă„onen untergehn" (lines 11583-4) -- might be permanent, if not in "this world", could be termed in contrast to sic transit gloria mundi: sic permanet gloria mundi.
This assumes some such reality as the Zoroastrian daena sub specie aeternitatis.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Justice in God, Man, Nature, Cosmos?

Read from theologian J. Matthew Ashley: "In classical terms, this is to broach the problem of theodicy: how to think about God in the face of the presence of suffering in God's creation. After God's dethronement as the subject of history, the question rebounds to the new subject of history: the human being. As a consequence, theodicy becomes anthropodicy — justifications of our faith in humanity as the subject of history, in the face of the suffering that is so inextricably woven into the history that humanity makes. Mutatis mutandis, the universe story brings with it the need for a "cosmodicy." How do we think about the presence of suffering, on a massive scale, in the story of the cosmos, particularly when the cosmos itself is understood to be the subject of history? How do we justify our faith in the cosmos?
-- J. Matthew Ashley, "Reading the universe story theologically: the contribution of a biblical narrative imagination", Theological Studies, 2010, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 870-902

Monday, June 4, 2012

sic transit gloria cogitatis

sic transit gloria cogitatis would mean ~thus pass all the glories of human thinking.
sic transit gloria concepti would mean ~thus pass all the glories of human concept, ideas.

Friday, May 18, 2012

sub specie mundi, -scientiae, -academiae

There is the well-known sub specie aeternitatis which roughly means "from the perspective of the eternal".
But we actually live in mentalities, cultures, societies,...which think of life more:
sub specie mundi ~from the perspective of the earthly life (eg mundane)
sub specie scientiae ~from the perspective of science
sub specie academiae ~from the perspective of the academy 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

homo sapiens sapiens?

more like homo insapiens
homo somnians man the dreamer
homo intempestivus unreasonable man (seems this is more correct in Latin than insapiens)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Disoccidentation, Disoccidented

It seems that disoccidentation and disoccidented are words that could be used to describe eg the loss of faith in the West. It seems they are little used at all, but might be interestingly if capably employed.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Just as an individual has a biography, so to, also with all the uncertainties and ambiguities of an individual's life, there can readily be conceived the anthropography of mankind, considered as a (in)coherent story. The idea is more inclusive than eg the German Geistesgeschichte or "the history of mankind", or "the spiritual history of mankind", "the history of ideas", etc.

It is a concept which would, as a goal, as a psychology, surpass the divisions developed during history or in academia, of eg literature, religion, philosophy, psychology, history, science, anthropology, art...the humanities, the sciences, the arts, technology....
It would be an attitude, a quest, a perspective to look at the human being -- gnothi seauton -- individually and collectively, sub specie aeternitatis, and not just sub specie scientiae, sub specie academiae.

The Consumption Cathedral

Malls throughout the world.
(The term came from writing a FB note mainly directly to a prominent Moscow sociologist.)

Devival, Devivalist, Devivalism

Nietzsche's errand in the wilderness?
No, actually more like: Nietzsche's errand into civilization, into culture, into Christianity.

evangelism vs cacangelism

As there is the evangel, and evangelist, the gospel...
So one could say that Nietzsche was an example of a cacangelist, or the opposite of gospel

Monday, April 9, 2012


If lurking beneath each use of "nice" -- eg nice guy, nice time, have a nice day -- we learn that the etymology is...
late 13c., "foolish, stupid, senseless," from O.Fr. nice "silly,foolish," from L. nescius "ignorant," lit. "not-knowing," from ne-"not" (see un-) + stem of scire "to know."

Well, it could change our understanding of hearing and using it.

Friday, March 23, 2012


As there is pedagogy, so their might be anthropogogy, though the entire hierarchy of the teaching staff seems to have disappeared from the school.

Ex Oriente Lux? Ex Occidente Lux?

To be disoriented is a clear and common expression, though it seems not to have been applied as creatively to culture, societies and history as it might.
As there is a "disenchantment" found in the history of the modern world, and secularization, one might say that there has been a disorientation from the sources of the "West", which originated in the East (ex oriente lux). But if there is a kind of cultural sun-setting of the West in the globalizing, "post-modern" world, then one could say that there is a disoccidentalization ongoing.