Friday, May 18, 2012

sub specie mundi, -scientiae, -academiae

There is the well-known sub specie aeternitatis which roughly means "from the perspective of the eternal".
But we actually live in mentalities, cultures, societies,...which think of life more:
sub specie mundi ~from the perspective of the earthly life (eg mundane)
sub specie scientiae ~from the perspective of science
sub specie academiae ~from the perspective of the academy 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

homo sapiens sapiens?

more like homo insapiens
homo somnians man the dreamer
homo intempestivus unreasonable man (seems this is more correct in Latin than insapiens)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Disoccidentation, Disoccidented

It seems that disoccidentation and disoccidented are words that could be used to describe eg the loss of faith in the West. It seems they are little used at all, but might be interestingly if capably employed.