Saturday, December 28, 2013


autogogy -- self-guided, self-lead

(mystagogue, demagogue, pedagogue, autogogue)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

philodicy, philodicer

if "theodicy" (Leibnitz, 1710) was conceived (and is still used) to express an attempt to reconcile a kind of (humanly-understood) justice in the best created world of a believed, ideal(ized) "God" with the realities of evil(s) -- of three types, or more or less -- then philodicy could be a seeking of that justice (dike), just as a philosopher seeks wisdom and a philomath learning.
and as we now already for many decades can hardly seriously maintain such a confidence in competence to write of divine omniscience, omnipotence, omnibenevolence, did Leibnitz, et al, it is more realistic to conceive of a seeking to understand the idea of a justice of God.

hence also "philodicer"

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013


pneumagogy -- a schooling of spirits

kin to Origin's schola animarum

Monday, December 16, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

philosophy? philalethia? philomathy?

philosophy -- "wisdom"?
     but if few agree that there is and what is "wisdom"
philalethia -- "truth"?
     but if the existence of "truth" is so disputed and disagreed...
philomathy -- learning

Thursday, December 12, 2013

philomathically considered

in a time when truth and wisdom (-sophia) are so disputed and disbelieved, it is more realistic to call oneself a philomath than a philosopher, with philomathy rather than philosophy

Sunday, December 8, 2013


word created in the late 1980s in studies in Northern California (UCB, UCSC) to express the idea of: 'love/seeking for the wisdom/knowledge of the microcosm man in the macrocosm'.
lectures given on this in St. Petersburg, USSR and Santa Cruz, California.

"Unintentional Bibliocide"

the accident killing of the meaning in the Bible from examination and investigation

From Bibliogenesis to Bibliocide

Bibliogenesis: the (human) generation of the Bible
Bibliocide: the (human) killing of the Bible

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

divine obscuration? human obfuscation?

as there are "divine revelations" (whatever one may think or believe as to their veracities), so there can be concieved "divine obscuration"
as if eg the reported ancient light on Sinai had become so faint as to be barely discernible, obscurable centuries later
and it might be added that any divine revelation was certainly subject to human obfuscation a la theology

Friday, July 19, 2013

Ideensgeschichte -- "Vermutungsgeschichte"?

as there is a history of ideas: Ideensgeschichte,
so there c/should be a history of (conscious, un/semi-conscious) assumptions: Vermutungsgeschichte.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

self-bespelling, self-bespellment, self-lulling

when someone, as it were, puts a spell over their self with words to believe or accept something. a kind of self-lulling.
(conceived while reading Life of the World to Come: Near-death Experience & Christian Hope (Albert Cardinal Meyer Lectures), 1996, about the relation of Christian beliefs and modern NDEs, Near-Death Experiences.)

Monday, May 27, 2013


as there is geography, so there could be an ideography, a kind of world of ideas, mapped, as it were, in which one travels, explores, become an experiential traveler, even a guide. not the physical world, but that of ideas conceived as a single world.
and if there is a publication National Geography, so to there might be eg an historical ideography

Friday, May 24, 2013

sleepwriting = somnscribing

as there is sleepwalking, somnabulism, so there should be sleepwriting, somnscribing
both in the direct sense, and in the indirect sense of "writing as if one were asleep"

Thursday, April 11, 2013


as there is geology (from the Greek γῆ, gê, "earth" and λόγος, logos, "study")
and geography (from Greek γεωγραφία, geographia, lit. "earth description")

and as there is pneumatology (from the greek πνευμα, pneuma, spirit and λογος, logos, teaching about)
so there could be pneumagraphy (from Greek πνεύμαραφία, pneumagraphia, lit. "spirit description")

and as there is pedagogy, so to there could be pneumagogy (a schooling of spirit)

(and to psychology, psychography)