Tuesday, May 28, 2013

self-bespelling, self-bespellment, self-lulling

when someone, as it were, puts a spell over their self with words to believe or accept something. a kind of self-lulling.
(conceived while reading Life of the World to Come: Near-death Experience & Christian Hope (Albert Cardinal Meyer Lectures), 1996, about the relation of Christian beliefs and modern NDEs, Near-Death Experiences.)

Monday, May 27, 2013


as there is geography, so there could be an ideography, a kind of world of ideas, mapped, as it were, in which one travels, explores, become an experiential traveler, even a guide. not the physical world, but that of ideas conceived as a single world.
and if there is a publication National Geography, so to there might be eg an historical ideography

Friday, May 24, 2013

sleepwriting = somnscribing

as there is sleepwalking, somnabulism, so there should be sleepwriting, somnscribing
both in the direct sense, and in the indirect sense of "writing as if one were asleep"